Become someone you can admire

What is life coaching?

Here’s a difficult thing to hear: it’s amazing how much nonsense our own brain throws at us to help us actively not see stuff that’s uncomfortable. When we’re blinded like that – and most of us are – we can end up wondering ‘why am I stuck? What’s stopping me from getting where I wish to be?’ without ever seeing there’s a problem, let alone a way forward.


Coaching is about being able to see our individual blind spot, and getting our brain to work for us rather than against us. It’s about seeing – and dealing with – the true potholes on the road, rather than only reading the sign.


Coaching is for you if you’ve ever been frustrated and thought “this always happens to me”. That’s a great start for a coaching process. It “always happens to you” because your brain is doing a masterful ballet of smoke and mirrors, which helps you remain comfortable and stuck. We can – if you’re willing to accept some tough love – train your brain to develop a different pattern, which will get results that will make you say “I didn’t think I could be this way!”


Well, you can.

Who am i?

I’m Bell, and I’m a life coach because six years ago I was all frustration, anger and sadness. My then life-coach, now mentor, pinpointed that to things I never imagined were related: confidence, behaviors that didn’t serve me (like over-dwelling on stuff we can’t change) and a small but noticeable dash of positivity. When I said “I didn’t know I could be this way” she laughed, and now I laugh when people say “I can’t imagine you being angry”. Oh, darling. If only you knew.


Coaching isn’t psychotherapy, and isn’t meant to replace it. Psychotherapy generates a change using conversations and deep understanding, over years. Coaching is the art of rewiring the brain through action, and while it won’t help you forgive a person who traumatized you at a young age, it can help you break the unhealthy behavioral patterns you developed to cope with it, and replace them with patterns that make you feel confident and capable, and achieve your goals.


I believe that it’s crucial to listen to a person and hear what they need, not only what they say; to help them discard burdens like guilt and doubt, and convert them to drive and hope. To accept that none of us is problem free and we never will be, but that, even when we feel there’s no way out, there usually are at least five.


When I was a child, I dreamed of having the superpower to heal any hurt. I can’t; but coaching is the closest I ever got, and it’s a superpower that’s easy to pass forward. Helping people become happier and more satisfied is a grand privilege; so if anyone things this could improve their life, I’d be honestly, deeply happy to be a part of it.


Why choose me as your life coach?

I’m Israeli, and I will be blunt. If you need to be confronted with what you need to hear, rather than be coddled and eased into it, I will call out your habits and patterns that no longer serve you, or never did. I won’t dance around them. I’ll do it kindly and with your best interest at heart, but I’ll be direct about it, which can lead to quicker results. This is not be the right approach for everyone, but if you want a life coach who you can be direct and open with, and get the same in return, I am a decent choice.


Personal coaching session: $120

Personal coaching, 10 sessions: $1000

Coaching group: $750 for 10 sessions (per person)


I offer limited amount of sessions for a sliding scale. Write me if you would like to inquire about reduced rates.